[Video| Week 10, Day 7]

Aug 27, 2010 19:08

[The feed turns on , a large tree visible before the screen moves to display a face that would be familiar to quite a few residents. There's a quiet exhalation before the woman manages a weak smile to hide her concerned expression.  This wasn't where she'd fallen asleep and nothing looked remotely familiar.]

I don't recall leaving the house and yet ( Read more... )

kuchiki byakuya, xerxes break, ~abarai renji, ~kuchiki hisana, ~kuchiki rukia

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[ reaction ] 1/2 sakurabito August 28 2010, 00:46:24 UTC
[ So. This is the game they will play.

He does what he feels is necessary, takes into account all sides and has come up with a way to keep everyone alive and well, even if it is not necessarily happy. He distances himself from Rukia further, allows the blockade to rise. If he does not look at her, does not speak to her, is from her presence while he does what he must do, she will never be driven from Hisato, will never be driven into the hands of death again.

Instead, they give him something else, someone else. Someone who has torn apart his defenses before and gave him that side that Kakashi would call 'human', the one that he's yearned for ever since the laws of death had been stolen away. He had searched for her, too, and did not give up, allowing this childish part of him inside to be selfish, to wish, to dream ( ... )


[ reaction ] 2/3 sakurabito August 28 2010, 00:59:31 UTC
[ ... he cannot do it.

She is there and she is so confused. She's looking for answers, answers he has. He learned how to push Rukia away. He had spent years doing so, preparing himself so it was possible, but Hisana... he hasn't been able to build a wall strong enough to keep her out.

Those days she was here, the ones where he talked to her, where he saw her smile so free from the pain because she could see Rukia, were ones he doesn't want to forget, even if it was all just a silly little dream.

Even if he's angry at someone else, he can't take it out on her. She--

and neither does Rukia, you know that--doesn't deserve it. Whether she is but an illusion, whether she will fade in a few days time or she will be here months longer, he can't let it go. There are things in this world, possible dangers. Aizen is here. He can hate these beings for all that they have done, but if something were to happen to her, fake or real, dream or flesh and blood... he could never forgive himself. He could never forgive himself if he had ignored her, ( ... )


[ video ] End! sakurabito August 28 2010, 01:09:04 UTC
[He turns on the video function once he's sure he's collected himself properly, once that steely gaze has returned. He doesn't know how to approach it. He could say any number of things, but there are some things so much more important. He can answer her questions later.]

Hisana. [He makes sure he is clearly visible, so as not to startle her.] You need not worry about the estate. Tell me, how is it you feel?

[Despite the time he took to prepare himself, it's not enough. The edge he tried so hard to maintain disappears and he's studying, very carefully, to see if there's anything that could possibly be wrong with her. She would not tell him, he already knows. He can't help it. It's a habit, after all...]


Re: [ video ] End! hisana_kuchiki August 28 2010, 01:15:52 UTC
[There's a few moments of silence as she stares at the screen before it slides from her fingers to the ground. A moment later she's picking it up and she smiles a little more naturally this time before she speaks again.]

Byakuya-sama...I feel better than I did when I saw you, before waking here, wherever here is.


[ video ] sakurabito August 28 2010, 01:45:54 UTC
[He doesn't allow that concern to touch his face, still carefully pouring over what she might be trying to hide from him.

'Before waking here'. He can only take that to mean before her death, though the morning she slipped away, the morning he held her hand as she slipped away, he would akin it to her falling asleep. It seemed so peaceful, so sweet and after her struggles, something she had earned, a rest she needed. Regardless, he won't tell her she's dead. That information is best kept to himself, for now.]

This place is called Kannagara, but you needn't concern yourself. [He stares, the pause in his words significant compared to most, as if waiting for something, something like an answer.]

... do you think you can travel?


Re: [ video ] hisana_kuchiki August 28 2010, 01:50:16 UTC

[The rest of his comment closed off her questions before she nodded in response to his last question.]

I think so, Byakuya-sama. Where would you like me to go?


[ video ] sakurabito August 28 2010, 02:01:17 UTC
No. I will come for you. [It could be very easy to get lost in this place and she... he will go to her before he will allow any other. How easily he's allowed these 'gods' to win. He's given in to their temptations, but so long as he protects her, it'll always be on his terms. That is his firm believe.]

Remain where you are. It will not take long. [And then, he will explain everything. Any question she has, because he's not immune to the look in those eyes.]

[ooc: action log, prose log or handwave?]


Re: [ video ] hisana_kuchiki August 28 2010, 02:48:05 UTC
I will wait here for you then, Byakuya-sama.[Another quiet smile before she moves, adjusting her position under the tree.]

[prose is good.]


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