Jun 26, 2011 21:28
what the fuck ii2 thii2??
iim up two my nook iin 2hiit ii need two get back two.
nothiing 2eriiou2 or anythiing.
ju2t tryiing two 2ave the entiire fuckiing world agaiin2t iimpo22iible odd2.
but iif 2omeone thiink2 dumpiing me under a green leafthiing or whatever the drooliing 2opor 2liimehole thii2 ii2 ii2 more iimportant fiine whatthefuckever.
poiint ii2.
where the nub2lurpiing crap am ii, and how do ii leave??
What the fuck is this?
I'm up to my nook in shit I need to get back to.
Nothing serious or anything.
Just trying to save the entire fucking world against impossible odds.
But if someone thinks dumping me under a green leafthing or whatever the drooling sopor slimehole this is is more important, fine, whatthefuckever.
Point is.
Where the nubslurping crap am I, and how do I leave?]
yu kanda,
~sollux captor,
kinomoto touya,
~amane misa,
~meguro gau,
elliot nightray,
lenalee lee