Apr 13, 2009 07:50

Um, yeah, as the subject up ther implies, I'm not dead. My computer is just terribly, terribly stupid and horrible and... well, not-wanting-to-work lately. hey, that sounds like me!!

BUT! My internet finally decided to work today!! YAYYYY~ So, as promised, I have some things to share with you all! Yeah, I know, it took a while..

These are only the first two, though. The ones that I've worked on most recently and (I think) the ones that I need the most help/input on. Also two of the least serious XD

Title: It’s not the model who’s the attention whore. It’s the photographer.
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Pairing: Mukuro/Hibari/Chrome
Dedication: for Nana-san~
Warnings: AU, models, photographers, Hibari, Mukuro, crack?

Status: oneshot, i n c o m p l e t e

"Very good Kyoya~” the photographer laughed, the sound followed by the click of the camera’s shutter. “Now, now,” he scolded, “the people don’t want to see only your scowl. Show some other emotion, will you, love?”

“If you don’t shut your mouth, I will shut it for you,” the model growled. The photographer chuckled and continued taking pictures.

Here’s the scene: Hibari Kyoya, age 24, with short black hair and sharp blue eyes, an angry scowl and promise to “bite to death” anybody who worsens his mood, is the current star of the modeling world. He reclines on a black sofa, leather, with his legs kicked up in front of him on the glass table (quite reminiscent of his senior, Xanxus, of the Varia branch of the agency, but don’t tell either of them that unless you have a death wish), uncaring of anything. Though, that might not necessarily be true: his photographer has the tendency to annoy the fuck out of him.

The photographer in question is named Rokudo Mukuro, age 25. His hair is some variation of blue, and nobody can quite tell if his eyes are naturally mismatched or if the vain man simply chooses to wear contacts. His smile seems kind but there’s something mocking about it, and he likes to see people squirm. Specifically, Hibari Kyoya.

And Hibari Kyoya hates Mukuro with a passion.

It doesn’t help that the only photographer that has not been bitten to death by Hibari is Mukuro. Nor does it help that the only model that Mukuro does not drive out of the business is Hibari. Therefore, they are stuck together.

“Ah, Kyoya-love, lean your head back a bit, yes? And unbutton your jacket -- you look like you’re roasting!”

Hibari scowled and brought his hand up to quickly undo the snaps, glaring at his photographer as he moved closer and took various photos of his actions. “Let’s get this over with, Rokudo. I have other appointments.”

Mukuro glanced at the clock above his model’s head; it was true. Their time was almost halfway up and he had yet to shoot the main attraction. “Ken,” he called.

A boy, a few years younger than Hibari himself, answered, “Yes, Mukuro-san? Is it time to bring in the little bit--ah, the girl?” The look on his face was a bit nervous. He hoped Mukuro hadn’t noticed his slip up.

Mukuro seemed not to notice, as he smiled, “Yes, Ken. Bring in my cute Chrome, will you? She is dressed, isn’t she?”

Ken blushed, “Ah, yes, Mukuro-san! Just as you told us to, pyon! Kakipi and me--we found what you wanted.”

Mukuro grinned, “Great! Then send her in, please. Oh, and Ken?” the boy jumped, “Don’t call my Chrome-chan anything less than the Princess that she is, yes? She is very special.”

The boy colored, “Y-yes, Mukuro-san.” He ran off to get her.

Mukuro left his camera as Ken left the room, moving closer to his irate model. “Now, now, Kyo-chan, we can’t have you looking like that!”

“Fuck you, Rokudo. What’s this I hear about a girl being brought in?” He scowled, “You know I hate grouping.”

“Oya, oya, it’s just going to be the three of us, Kyoya~” He smirked, “you won’t mind it one bit.”

That, of course, was a lie.

Hibari Kyoya would mind it. Very much indeed.


“Ano, Mukuro-sama..” a small voice said.

Mukuro brightened and turned his attention away from Hibari for a moment, “ah, here she is, the cute lady of the day! Chrome-chan, don’t be shy~”

And there she was, really. Hibari had to look at her and, surprisingly, he didn’t really want to look away. Dark hair (just slightly different than that damned Mukuro, but he’s not thinking about that, nope, not at all) covering one eye, the other some form of violet-blue, pale skin… and why did these two look so goddamn alike?

He considered asking if she was Mukuro’s sister, but then his eyes traveled down to her outfit and, well… lets just say that no loving brother would ever make their sister come to the agency in that lacy purple and black lingerie. Even Mukuro wasn’t that despicable.

Or maybe he was; Hibari could never be too sure.

...and after that, I'm stuck. I don't know where to go from there... I was writing it, and then I had to stop writing it... and then I came back to it a day later and couldn't figure out what I was writing... and I've gone back to it weeks later and added a line and now I go back to it and can't figure out how to continue. D':

Sora the mushroom prince:

NO, I have not given this one up.. for anyone who remembers it lmao. I've actually written in it recently... but, once again, I am stuck.

Title: Prince Sora, of the Mushroom [what kind of name is that?]
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Pairing: Riku/Sora?
Warnings: AU-ish, crack, boredom, idk?

Status: undetermined, i n c o m p l e t e

It was an ordinary day in the Mushroom Forest. That is, according to the higher-ups. Most of them, anyway.

Sora just thought it was a boring day. And he was the Prince! You don't get much higher up than that. But, yes, the Prince of the Mushrooms -- seriously, mushrooms? Couldn't it have been something more exciting, like maybe the Prince of the--never mind. Anything with "Prince of" attached to the name had to be boring. --was terribly, horribly, utterly bored.

His father, the King, said it was a "good day." However, he didn't say it in such a boring way. His father was always peppy, always full of energy and joy; always spouting out ridiculous-sounding phrases that both amused and embarrassed his son in many ways. And yet, Sora couldn't help but respect the king. For being a short--tiny, really, even compared to Sora and he wasn't the tallest boy in the kingdom--, big-eared, huge eyed guy with a high, squeaky voice and saying things like "Golly!" every chance he got, he sure dealt with boredom well! Sora wouldn't have been able to do it.

Sora just sat around, watching the mops (well, that's what the King called them; he'd never heard the word--or seen them anywhere else!--before) dance and carry buckets of water and clean while his father got to go outside of the Forest and talk to other people! How boring was that? He's stuck in here, of all places, and his dad's out mingling, getting into arguments and fighting and having fun and probably adventuring a fair bit, too!

But it wasn't always boring. Sometimes, just sometimes, there was somebody new in the Forest. The King would come back from Somewhere-Exciting-Land and bring people with him. They were interesting people. People who, sometimes, had silver hair, or red hair, or blonde, green, purple, rainbow-colored hair! People who were tiny and had see-through wings that flutter in the air and tap him on the nose. People who could use magic, who could fly; people who were so different from him and everyone else who lived in the Forest.

People who were interesting.

The mops were, somehow, singing a song as they were cleaning. Sora didn't know--didn't want to know--what made them act like that, but he hadn't managed to shake the strange feeling he got whenever he looked at them. They were just--weird. Not interesting-weird, just weird-weird. Like... not supposed to be here type of weird. But they were, so stop thinking about it already and eat your vegetables!! someone had told him when he'd asked one day at dinnertime.

He'd huffed a bit and took a bite out of his broccoli. He just wanted to know why they were so different! Ever since then, he hadn't asked, but he'd wondered what they were for, all the same.

So now, he sat at the table and watched them dancing and hopping and playing, singing their strange little song and he sighed, dropping his head on the hard wooden dining table.

"I'm so bored!" he moaned. He winced at the loudness of his voice in the somewhat quiet room, along with the slight throbbing in his forehead. He wasn’t having fun in this castle; he wanted out. Not just out of this castle, his prison, but out of this entire Forest! Jumping on mushrooms and bouncing as high as you could got very boring, very fast. The other option was to track down the Cheshire Cat, and who in their right mind would want to do that?

It was interesting, sure, but was he really that desperate for adventure? That he’d track down the most well-known prankster in the entire kingdom?

After thinking for about thirty seconds, it was decided. Sora would go find the Cat and trick him into playing. It would be difficult, very difficult indeed, but it would be new and exciting. Exactly what he wanted. Kind of. Close enough.

But he’d only seek out the Cat if he couldn’t find anyone else. After all, there were always people coming in and out of the Forest. Surely there would be someone interesting today. Maybe someone who likes to play-fight. Or race. Or who would want to compete.

Nodding to himself, Sora grinned. It was decided. Or, well, revised. He’d search out the interesting person before searching for the Cheshire Cat. If he did it that way, chances of him getting hurt would be much less. Yes, very much less. And he’d be able to keep his sanity, too! Really, it was far better that way.

Only if he found someone, though. If he didn’t, he was screwed and had to face the Cat anyway. Therefore, Sora wished as hard as he could that he would find somebody new and interesting and slid from his place at the table, ignoring the glances he was given (seriously, could mops watch you? It seemed like they could… then again, if they had eyes, where were they? How could he know if they were watching him? Gah, he really needed to stop thinking..) and started walking away.

Interesting, interesting, interesting…

Really, there had to be something new and exciting in a place he wasn’t supposed to be. Why else would his father, the King, want him to stay away? Sora pouted. It didn’t seem like his father wanted him to have any fun. Oh well; Sora would show him! He could have fun in this boring old forest.

And if he couldn’t? Well… Sora would think of that when it happened. He’d probably go home and sulk before seriously trying to escape. Escape? Nah, maybe not. Well, then again… Nah. Escape was to risky; Sora didn’t know if he wanted to try that quite yet. He wasn’t that bored, he wasn’t that fed up with this life, to actually try to run away.

And so, Sora pushed the brief thoughts of running away into the back of his mind, trying to ignore them as he found his way outside. Of course, it wasn’t going to be that easy to get away, he quickly realized.


It was almost like he couldn’t go anywhere without running into those things. Maybe they were his father’s spies, that would make sense. They were just pretending to be innocent little… whatever they were… but they were actually keeping an eye on him, making sure that he wasn’t leaving or having fun.

Sora grinned and decided that, yes, it was a fun idea. He’d just have to sneak out. No biggie. Pretend that the mop-things were his enemies and that he had to avoid them so he could rescue the princess. Yeah, that’s a good idea! And the princess was… outside that door!

…yes, even Sora realized how desperate that idea was, but it was something!
Sora thought, frowning in the object of his annoyance’s direction, is there any need to have those mop…things set up everywhere?! he wished. But, no, everything he passed by wasn’t interesting at all. It was boring, boring, boring as hell and he didn’t want anything to do with it. Out into the forest he would go, then, especially to the part where he wasn’t supposed to be.

So, There's more than there was before. Like, a whole page more. But once again, I'm kind of stuck. And by "kind of," I mean completely and utterly stuck. So much so that I started writing down anything that came into my head. I was pulling things out of my ass and hoping that they worked.

and when I say "I think I'm going to turn Riku into a fairy," I'm not joking. I really think I'm going to do it. I'm not sure why, but it sounds like a fun idea. But...maybe that's just when Sora first sees him. I'm not that mean.

Also, I don't know why I decided to make Sora want to sneak around like he's a super secret spy on a mission or something. It sounded like a fun idea at the time. Sora agreed. Riku said it was stupid. Britnie decided to go with it.

So, there's the first two. @_@ Any comments, critiques, suggestions, random ideas or inspiration sharing would be greatly appreciated!!

ETA: And of course LJ decides to screw everything I copy/paste up.... from a glance through, it looks mostly like it's just the italics (because half of the fic isn't supposed to be in italics, yanno) but I guess I can live with that for now..

fanfiction, incomplete works, kingdom hearts, katekyo hitman reborn!, wip, writing, riku/sora, mukuro/hibari/chrome

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