DAY!!! ♥
...It's still the 14th in my time zone.
Now that that little schpeil is over... WELCOME to my new friends
pockypower &
snikcidylime! I hope to become good friends with you both!
Now, since I didn't have anything to do today, and it was long overdue, I thought that I'd spend the day beautifying myself. That's right, I was girly
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4) listening to Eyes Rutherford's English voice
5) That song is so fricking beautiful~ I need to find it again :[
11) Oohh~ Where's that from?
...there's a 3rd Grudge? Wow.
I love the Goo Goo Dolls~<3
wahh~ o//o thank you~
Aww, it's so sad~ I've known about D'espairsray for maybe a year and a half, but I never really got into them..
lol. I stopped at the first one. the 2nd didn't really interest me.... and I yelled at the screen so much for the first!!! Like, why would you go into a room that is TAPED SHUT?! WHY?! It's shut for a reason, stupid... *grumble grumble*
That actually sounds like something I do, lol. When I'm not the so called "cute thing/person" in the equation. then, I just sit here and blush, trying to melt through the ground..
Erk, Kanone didn't come until later on in the anime and like, tried to blow Ayumu up. O.o But Ayumu came out all burnt and bruised like "BITCH YOU CAN'T KILL MEH! I'M GOD!" XD
Dr. Muraki from an anime/manga called Descendants of Darkness. It's a shounen-ai manga/anime. Very good, though. :) Dr. Muraki is REALLY creepy though. D:
That's the only song by D'espairsray that I really like (cause I'm not really into Visual Kei bands). :P And I like Forbidden by them too. I think those are the only two songs by them that I like.
Another sad one is "Karenai Hana" by Mikuni Shimokawa. D: Gets me every time. And "Planetarium (or -->Otsuka Ai)"...by someone. O.o I don't know who though.
Oh, but the third one was worth it (at least I think so). I didn't like the second one. XP But I know what you mean.
Awwwwwww. :D *Squees!* KAWAIIIIIII!!!!
It's "Planetarium" by Otsuka Ai. XD I'mma tard muffin.
And from what I remember, wasn't Kanone like... the "big bad" instead of Hizumi? ;~; Getting rid of him like that, bastards...
Hizumi's like...still totally my favorite character~ (And I think I wrote him well~)
And I almost read/watched Descendents of Darkness...then I forgot about it. ^^; That was like, 4 or 5 years ago. I also wanted to read W-Juliet then and I only just read it a few months ago?
Kanone was only the big bad because Spiral is an incomplete anime. :P They were never able to finish it...it's "rumored" that the producers died. Blargh. Only one season is out. If nothing would have happened, then they could have probably put Hizumi in the anime and killed off Kanone. But I kinda like Kanone (despite his creeper voice).
I do love Hizumi, though. :D And yes, you wrote him perfectly. :)
I've only read volume seven of W Juliet. I think it was volume seven...grah. And now I'm watching Black Cat with my brother. Train's so cyoot! :3
Awwww. :D Dun't bluuuuush. I'll just have to "awww" you more and more cause it's so cyoot!!!
yeahhh and it suuuucks~ I wonder what kind of voice he would have? o///o
Hizumi would probably have that "supposed-to-be-uke-but-isn't-at-all" voice...probably. Who knows? Like, it's kinda high pitched but it isn't, and all at the same time it's *orgasm* like Eyes'? Hmm...we will have to ponder this.
Ruh roh...*Bounce squeal* AWWWWWWWW. :D
*started reading manga yesterday and is now on chapter 25* Ikuto<33
lol maybe. But if he had the Eyes' type of voice, I don't think I'd be able to deal with it ;~; My poor girly parts would go into overload lmao.
Though, it'd be awesome<3333
Hahaha! The velvety, silky, deep-ish, kinda tastes like chocolate almost OMNOMNOM voice?! XD Oooooh, the fun we'd have with THAT voice!!
For some reason, I keep thinking that maybe he'd have a soft, light toned voice...but it'd have a bit of a dark, raspy quality? idk, it's hard to explain what I hear in my mind whenever he talks... D':
But either way, mmmmmm, Hizumi voice<3
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