update, fandom talk, fiction and stuff

Dec 31, 2008 22:22

Okeeday. Hello people~ Didja miss me?

I wanted to post something, but I couldn't think of anything and by the time I did think of something to say, I didnt feel like writing it anymore. lol. But I come bearing news! And...maybe some fic. Attempt at a fic. Something? I don't know.

Well, starting with Christmas-- nothing went horribly wrong! Which, if you know how my life usually is, that means that it was amazing. Happy. Things were good! Dad wasn't terribly bitchy, my sister liked the headphones and Axe (I think it was Phoenix?) that I got her... Debbie liked the Pepe Le Peu (is that how you spell his name?!) locket thingy I got her... and I didn't get much of anything I asked for, but I don't dislike anything that Dad and Debbie got me.

But my sister got me a romance novel. TT^TT And pocky~♥

A couple of days ago, though, I was wondering. Things have been going good lately. Semi-good, anyway. Britnie has been happy. Not overly stressed, not picking fights with people, Daisuke loved the CD, etc etc etc.

When's it all gonna go down the drain?! When is my dad going to do something to make my life hell? When is my happiness gonna run out?!

I was seriously going to text Nathan at two in the morning and say "Things have been good. I've been happy. Is the world going to explode sometime soon?" or something. Ask him if I'm insane for thinking that everything's going to blow up in my face. But I didn't. And I didn't ask him or anyone else, either.

Of course, I was right. Kind of. Yesterday my dad started yelling about my sister's ex being a peice of crap and blah blah blah, I stuck up for him (because I LIKE Chris and my sister seems to love him and dad knows absolutely NOTHING about the kid.) like I always do and he just kept screaming. Amanda was told to come home from her friend Krysta's house and she spent the rest of the day blaring music in her ears and sleeping.

Today I find out that... well. You know those chain messages people send? The dirty ones? Well, my dad flipped because Chris sent one of them to my sister. And, well. That's STUPID. My father's sent worse things to us. He's SAID worse things to us. But apparently, he says he has NOT. And he's apparently going to call the cops on Chris. Who has done NOTHING wrong.

He really pisses me off. But I have to put up with it for a little bit longer. And so does my sister. Even though, if we had to, we would have a place to go. Which was obvious about two(?) weeks ago when he practically kicked me and Amanda out.


I bought myself Kingdom Hearts re:Chain of Memories because I could, and because my dad refused to spend $30 on a game that I really wanted. I've been playing it for the last couple of days. Got through Traverse Town and stuff... the first world that I decided to go to? Wonderland. I did that in the first game, after all. And I like Wonderland :]

Y'know the cards that serve the Queen or whatever? I HATE THEM. They keep KILLING me and there are not enough heartless around for me to kill and level up with. I've already made three extra rooms so I could level up. I'm now a level 12 and still get my ass handed to me.

It's a bit upsetting.

But, well.. the mushrooms kind of ended up inspiring me. Yeah, that sounds wickedly weird, but hey. It's true. I was only jumping on them! And when Sora landed, he had a funny pose. Kind of like "I claim this mushroom as my own" type of thing. Or, well, that's what I thought when I saw it. So I took a picture. It came out horribly, cuz my TV sucks and it was on my phone... and well, I can't find it lol. XD

But it somehow ended up inspiring this.

"Sora, Prince of the Mushroom Forest"

What, in my mind, made Sora standing on a mushroom code for Sora's the prince of Mushroom Forest!!??? o.o;; I'm not sure that I want to know. But I ended up writing something for it. The opening, if you will. And I don't know if I'm going to continue it. Because, well. I have no ideas for it, whatsoever.

(current) Title: Sora, Prince of the Mushrooms
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Sora (so far; cameos are made of others)
Genre: CRACK humor

It was an ordinary day in the Mushroom Forest. That is, according to the higher-ups. Most of them, anyway.

Sora just thought it was a boring day. And he was the Prince! You don't get much higher up than that. But, yes, the Prince of the Mushrooms -- seriously, mushrooms? Couldn't it have been something more exciting, like maybe the Prince of the--never mind. Anything with "Prince of" attached to the name had to be boring. --was terribly, horribly, utterly bored.

His father, the King, said it was a "good day." However, he didn't say it in such a boring way. His father was always peppy, always full of energy and joy; always spouting out ridiculous-sounding phrases that both amused and embarrassed his son in many ways. And yet, Sora couldn't help but respect the king. For being a short--tiny, really, even compared to Sora and he wasn't the tallest boy in the kingdom--, big-eared, huge eyed guy with a high, squeaky voice and saying things like "Golly!" every chance he got, he sure dealt with boredom well! Sora wouldn't have been able to do it.

Sora just sat around, watching the mops (well, that's what the King called them; he'd never heard the word--or seen them anywhere else!--before) dance and carry buckets of water and clean while his father got to go outside of the Forest and talk to other people! How boring was that? He's stuck in here, of all places, and his dad's out mingling, getting into arguments and fighting and having fun and probably adventuring a fair bit, too!

But it wasn't always boring. Sometimes, just sometimes, there was somebody new in the Forest. The King would come back from Somewhere-Exciting-Land and bring people with him. They were interesting people. People who, sometimes, had silver hair, or red hair, or blonde, green, purple, rainbow-colored hair! People who were tiny and had see-through wings that flutter in the air and tap him on the nose. People who could use magic, who could fly; people who were so different from him and everyone else who lived in the Forest.

People who were interesting.

The mops were, somehow, singing a song as they were cleaning. Sora didn't know--didn't want to know--what made them act like that, but he hadn't managed to shake the strange feeling he got whenever he looked at them. They were just--weird. Not interesting-weird, just weird-weird. Like... not supposed to be here type of weird. But they were, so stop thinking about it already and eat your vegetables!! someone had told him when he'd asked one day at dinnertime.

He'd huffed a bit and took a bite out of his broccoli. He just wanted to know why they were so different! Ever since then, he hadn't asked, but he'd wondered what they were for, all the same.

So now, he sat at the table and watched them dancing and hopping and playing, singing their strange little song and he sighed, dropping his head on the hard wooden dining table.

"I'm so bored!" he moaned. He winced at the loudness of his voice in the somewhat quiet room, along with the slight throbbing in his forehead. He wasn’t having fun in this castle; he wanted out. Not just out of this castle, his prison, but out of this entire Forest! Jumping on mushrooms and bouncing as high as you could got very boring, very fast. The other option was to track down the Cheshire Cat, and who in their right mind would want to do that?

It was interesting, sure, but was he really that desperate for adventure? That he’d track down the most well-known prankster in the entire kingdom?

After thinking for about thirty seconds, it was decided. Sora would go find the Cat and trick him into playing. It would be difficult, very difficult indeed, but it would be new and exciting. Exactly what he wanted. Kind of. Close enough.

Mmhm. That's as far as I got. Well, I actually had about two more paragraphs in which Tidus and Wakka showed up, but I decided last night that Ididn't like it and deleted it. So, that's what I've got so far. And I kind of want to continue. ;_;

I've got an idea where Riku's like.... lost in the Forest or something because he was playing a game with Chesire, too, but he didn't know it, so he was basically hiding and then Sora finds him and sees that he's the ticket outta this place and Riku's all like "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU CRAZY STALKER!!!" or something.

That one happened at like, 2am. While I was writing that and talking to my dear friend Cassie (kyashi_chan ), and freaking out about it and needing to rant. She was just lauging her ass off...

So, umm. Do you like it? Any ideas? Anyone feel like helping me make this thing somewhat-writable? Or, umm, something? Cuz that's seriously all that I've got.

Hmm... My beloved Gwennie (mikazuki_yume ) also asked me to write some things for her. A Kingdom Hearts AU in which Older!Skater!Badass!Sora makes an appearance and Younger!Preppy!KindaWimpy!Riku happens too. And something about a kidnapping...?

And reminiscent Naruto fics, from like... when we first got into the fandom. Yeah, from like 5 years ago. I want to find some, she wants to find some, we're wondering what happened to our favorite fandom and the fics and what went so wrong with everything. 'cuz we're searching through ffnet's Naruto section and coming up with nothing. So, she wants me to write her one that's like the Old Days.

Y'know, back when everything was-Naruto's really depressed, but everyone thinks he's happy-happy and Sasuke sees something he shouldn't have saw and realizes that Naruto isn't the Naruto that everyone else thinks he is, and wants to help/get to know the Real Naruto.

Oh! And I've been reading some things to my class lately. They seem to like my writing. o////o The last thing that I read to them, I read with a scratchy, icky voice (cuz I've been sick for the last 2 weeks) yet they seemed to really love it. And I haven't shared it on here, yet, so I guess I'mma do that right now, while I'm thinking about it. this is turning out to be a really long post full of writing...

I was really nervous to share this with them, but I'm glad that I ended up reading it. I was really afrtaid of what my teacher would say--she's a parent, and I thought that she might be offended and say something. But she agreed with everything that I said and the other kids did to and just o////o  I really wasn't expecting the response that I got. And it was right before Christmas, too.

Fandom: None

Every parent tells lies, right? It's a fact that we've had to deal with, as children. Even if we don't want to admit it, it's the truth. Probably one of the few truths that's the same for everybody. Parents lie.

You spilled juice all over your brand-new white dress that mommy got you for your birthday and she says, "It's okay, just don't ever do that again!" or she'll smile and say, "be more careful next time, okay honey?"

What she really means is, "It's going to take forever to get that red out, if it'll come out at all. Just like the mud and ketchup and..." It's not okay, but she tells you that it is anyway, so you don't feel bad. Which, of course, you do feel bad, for a little while, but then you're playing again like nothing happened.

They tell you that Santa Clause is real because they don't want you to bother them with your, "All I want for Christmas is..." They don't want the responsibility of getting the right thing. If it's Santa who gets you the wrong thing, then Mommy and Daddy aren't in trouble, because they had nothing to do with it. Nothing at all. Lies.

It happens over and over and over again, throughout your lifetime, and pretty soon, you're doing it too. But you don't realize it yet, not really. Or, that's what they want you to think. Just like when you didn't realize that it was a bad thing to do when you took an extra candy from the shelf that Mommy didn't know about, it's a lie. Of course you knew it wasn't right; if it was, then why would you have that gnawing feeling in your stomach, why would you think about putting it back before noticing how shiny the wrapper is and that - Oh! It's strawberry! - and it would taste just that much better because you weren't supposed to have it?

"You're growing up so fast," they say, but you know that can't be true. You don't feel like you're growing up, you're no different from yesterday or the day before. But they insist that, yes, you really are becoming a little man, a little lady. Then they turn around and tell you that you're just a child, so shut up and behave. They don't expect you to know that they weren't telling the truth or to remember that just a minute ago they were smiling and showing you off to everyone and saying that you're such a well-behaved child, that you're barely a child anymore and they can trust you with anything.

Lies. That's all that comes from their mouths, sometimes.


n. 1: a deliberate telling of an untruth

2: something that misleads or deceives.


It always seems like something bad has happened to your parents, doesn't it? Like they think that the entire world is against them and since it was like this for them when they were your age, it'll be the same for you. Or, at least, that's what happened to me.

My dad thinks that I'm going to make every mistake that he's made in his life, even though I'm nothing like how he was as a child. I'm not a motor-head; I don't get involved in fights. I don't do drugs or anything that teenagers did when he was my age. I don't steal the car, don't sneak out, and don’t slack off on schoolwork; I'm a "good girl."

I believe that I have friends that love me, and I love them just as much. I believe that the world is a relatively good place - corrupt, yes, but still good. I had a relatively normal childhood, I've lost friends and been betrayed, but that's just - whatever. It's happened and I'm moving on with my life.

He tells me, "You have no friends." I reply that he's wrong, but he keeps insisting upon it, "You have no friends," he says, "nobody out there will ever help you. You can't trust anybody but yourself. They'll all stab you in the back."

My sister agrees with me; this is one of the few things that we remember our dad telling us. He says it all the time, constantly telling us that we can't trust anybody but ourselves. We can't trust anybody, but what do we do when we're in trouble? Sometimes I want to ask him that, but I know his answer. He'll say, "Just trust me, I'll take care of you."

Hah. Yeah, right. Nice job, dad; what happened to "don't trust anybody"?


A person who affects virtues or qualities he does not have.


My sister and I, of course, do not take that value as our own. We trust people, though we are wary of most of them. But that's all he tells us, "don't trust anybody but yourself."

And, of course, that we don't have any friends. The only people we can fall back on is our family; even though most of the time all we do is fight and want nothing to do with each other. Of course, that's not how he means. What he means is that my sister and I should come crawling back to him whenever we need help and he'll do nothing but lecture us and hold our mistakes over our heads, like he always does.

Oh, and how ironic is it that family tells you that you can always rely on them, you always have a place with them, they'll love you no matter what... and then the moment that you tell them that you need help, they shut their doors? The moment you do something wrong, they kick you out of their lives?

A mother who hasn't been anything like a mother for her children in four years still believes that she knows exactly how they are, what they aspire to be, their likes and dislikes and everything else, and always says:

"I love you, baby, I would never, ever leave you."

No you don't, and you already did.

Hypocrites and liars. That's all that they are, all that they can be.

But, if that's true, won't that happen to me, too?

Lastly, because it's nearly 11:45pm, I think I should write down the new years resolutions that I've set for myself. Because Cassie shared hers earlier and I thought that I should, too. :]

-I want to gain confidence. Either by sharing the things I've written, drawn, thought--anything at all--or by wearing makeup everyday, I want to be more confident in myself.
-Make new friends. Real life, or internet friends, I don't care. Friends are friends and I'd like to have more of them. Or at least people to talk to. I like people. Sometimes.
-Don't be afraid to talk to people. Seriously, I need to kick this habit. People aren't scary. Or, they shouldn't be.
-Try to control this temper problem. I seem to get upset a lot lately and I don't know why.
-Improve my writing!!
-Finish a story!
-Draw more!!
-Be a nicer person.
-Get organized @_@
-Be more mature about things.
-Keep having fun.
-Realize that IT'S OKAY to be myself, and do it more often.
-Give my mom a chance. I need to let her try to be more involved before she can get involved in my life. That means I need to deal with the urge to hang up or walk away every time I talk to her.

Those are just the starters lol.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I look forward to getting to know everybody in 2009! ♥

original, kingdom hearts, rl, wip, snippet, new years resolutions, 2009 has to be a good year!!, brain's on crack, dad's an asshole, writing, fandom

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