Dec 20, 2008 15:43
I don't like Christmas all that much. I hate trying to buy people presents. And my dad gets all bitchy. Plus, this year I'm doing a secret santa-thingy. The girl that I'm supposed to buy something for wrote "I don't care." I don't know what I'm supposed to get her, so I got her something that lots of people need. Or want..
A booklight and headphones.
In the process, I lost my $20.00 in the store. There goes all of my money! Sigh. I was hoping to get my friends some things... But I spent 10 bucks on some chick in my class and lost everything else. And I know my dad well enough to predict his reactions to my Christmas list:
Too expensive, why would I pay 30 bucks so you can sit around in front of the TV all day?, WTF is this?, I'm not going to the mall, You don't need books..., Why would I get you anything to help you learn Japanese? You're not going to need that in the Real World. Etc.
GRAHH!! *punches dad in the face*
In other not-related-to-dad news, my mom actually told me what she wants for Christmas! Pink nailpolish and a picture drawn by me. T_T;; The picture won't be much of a problem, 'xept I don't know what to draw her... and I'll try to find nailpolish, I guess.
She said she's gonna look for a PS2 for me. I told her that I wanted one for myself that I didn't have to share with Dad and Amanda... cuz they don't let me keep it in my room, or when I'm playing it they bitch about it and everything. I also gave her a list of a few books that I want, since she asked. Maybe I'll get some of them? I don't know.
But, anyway. I have a question for y'all since we're going on break and I hope I'm right when I say "I CAN FEEL THE FREE TIME AND BOREDOM COMING!!"
This is officially a "request-a-fic" post. I'm bored and want to write, and I've got Xmas break coming. Plus, I wanna give people online something for Christmas and I have no money, so yeah. :]
I'll try to get them all done by either Christmas or New Years, 'kay? This weekend is probably gonna be hell.
Oh yeah~ for homework, I've got to find something online that's either a spoof of a Christmas song or Christmas story. My teacher said "published," but I asked if it could be something that was like... just shared online or something, and she said that it was okay if I did something like that. So... I'm looking, and I remembered some fics that I read that were holiday-like and funny. Well, I think I remember reading something like that.
I don't know it it's okay to bring them in and read them or anything, but I'd like to read some anyway lol. So, umm, I am asking if 1) anyone could rec any (even if they're by you! XD) and 2) If I can possibly maybe... read them out loud to my class? If I can do that, anyway.
Hmm... maybe I should stop talking to Daisuke. Seriously. I ran out of space on my computer because of him. And I fell in love with some new bands.
Seriously. I have like, fallen in love with Mr.Children. My favorite song by them is actually a 3-way tie.
Kurumi, Hibiki and Shirushi.
All the lyrics are so beautiful...! I can't choose. Though, yesterday I was listening to Kurumi like, constantly. Oh, and because of the lyrics to the Mr.Children songs that I've looked up... I believe that Daisuke is a romantic. He's totally a hopeless romantic. (yay!)..
But I reccomend to like...everybody: Mr.Children. The vocals are really nice, it's a kind of mellow band (some songs are heavier and more rock-ish than pop...) and I don't know what else. :] I started with Tomorrow Never Knows, but I think Kurumi is a better song.
Well, I'm bored and have to work on Daisuke's Christmas present...