Books books books

Jul 24, 2010 12:47

Ok so I know there are like maybe two people who watch me here but not anywhere else on the internet, but I figured I'd come back and say something!

Oh, Livejournal, livejournal. I've only sort of forgotten about you! (or mostly ok I'm sorry) I've been keeping myself busy though, and scraped and piled a bunch of pages of some comic I draw together into something one might haphazardly refer to as a book! I'm still going back and forth with the proofing process through the printer, but it looks like I should be getting my PRINT on soon!

I'm so excited about this, because it makes me feel like I'm a Real Comic Book Artist. There's a huge sense of pride when you hold the first minicomic you ever put together, but I imagine it's going to be that x100 when I hold my first perfect bound paperback. I can't wait for this wait for the books to be over!

(also ordering information is HERE
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