jobs and comics (but not jobs IN comics sadly)

Sep 23, 2009 23:27

For as much as I said time melted together without a job, it goes even faster WITH one! I got work at basically a doctor's office- thankfully it's a 9-5 M-F thing, so I still have some time to work on comics. My life for the past month has been pretty much just work, work on comics, sleep. In some ways it's kind of a nice routine, but in others I have just about no time to do anything else but goof around on the internet and check twitter. (seriously just follow me on twitter if you want to make sure I"m still alive)

Bit by bit the comic seems to be picking up a little! I'm getting some feedback from readers, and there really is nothing more exciting than hearing from people I've never met who are enjoying it! I hope it's only up from here- it's why it's just that much more important for me to keep charging through while I'm working!

This weekend I'll be going to Small Press Expo! I don't have a table, but I'll be wandering around throwing my minis around like a flower girl throwing rose petals. I'm actually a little relieved I didn't get a table, because I think MoCCA showed me that I need a little more time to get my game together before I present again. Hopefully next time I get something (if I ever actually manage to get into registration on time for one of those stupid anime cons) I'll have more of an actual presence.

One thing I"m SUPER jazzed about for SPX, though, is the pre-release of the video game anthology Lifemeter 3, which I have a comic in! It's just two pages, but I can say I was published alongside awesome people like Faith Erin Hicks or KC Green! I hope I can grab a copy at SPX because they're only going to have a few. If not, I'll just get one online! (Believe me, I'll be posting when they're available for order here!)

It looks like I'm going to be up for a while finishing up the dummy copy of the chapter 2 mini! AHHH I gotta get these printed tomorrow! D:
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