Jan 05, 2009 12:36

HEAPPY NEW YEARRRR 2008 was about the same as 2007 or 2006, which is to say that it was okay I guess. 2009 will probably be similar, although different enough because halfway through it I will be forcefully ejected into the Real World.
For New Year's Eve I went with lunarwhirlwind and Ricky to a certain Mr. Rob Lantz and company's house for a crazy party, where I found out I have a Drunk Talent! Apparently my vocabulary expands quite a bit when I'm buzzed. Ricky tells me I used the word "conflagration" in a sentence.

The idea of having my comic done one month before NYCC is a bust; but then again, I was almost 100% sure it would be, which is probably why it happened. I've got 8/14 pages inked to completion, one page lettered, and now no pages toned because I toned the other one at the wrong size and have to redo it to fit minicomic format since I was kind of going for the "pie in the sky" of having ComixPress books printed to digest format. I have four pages to finish backgrounds on, which is EXTREMELY time consuming, because they're all definitive architectural structures, which are currently my Glowing Magical Weak Spot. There's about 1 1/4 pages left to pencil, now that I've laid out page 14, and then those have to be inked too. They should go pretty quickly, because I don't have to agonize over perspective. I have about a month left before the Big Con, so that should give me more than enough time to have everything done with an opportunity to futz around with copies, since I'll be self-producing all of this mess in the school's copy center. At least I can play around with vellum inlays like I wanted to!

My other Winter Break goal of "having a serviceable website," though, seems to have completely nosedived into flaming failure. I'll have to get back to that one when I'm not ADDing too hard to learn CSS.

Everyone's favorite jerkface ahvia got me Drawing Words and Writing Pictures, the comics creation textbook by Jessica Abel and Matt Madden, for Christmas. I finally started seriously reading it on the train back to Jersey last night, and I can finally say with full confidence that every son of a bitch out there that wants to make comics should buy it, and not just because I think they deserve fat royalty checks. There are sections in it I kind of want to scan and throw images of at people for the sake of argument, sort of like the "why hand lettering is important to at least consider."

Again I'd be interested to give this book to a SCAD student and see how the curriculum compares, since this is largely "SVA's Second-Year Storytelling Class In Book Form," but nobody ever seems to take me up on that kind of challenge. Come on, SCAD kids! I know some of you are out there!

my comics, comic con, comics reviews, comics comics comics

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