Am I really making a whole post about coffee

Sep 15, 2008 20:31

For everyone's benefit, I really need to hurry up and get a contraband coffee pot in this stupid tiny dorm or something. I'm discovering that, even though I've been buying coffee from bodegas and overpriced cafes alike for years around the city that I have no idea how to articulate just exactly how I like coffee -- which, to be fair, changes on a fairly regular basis as it is.

I've been going to the little hole-in-the-wall Dunkin' Donuts that's right around the corner lately, since it's way too damn hot for regular coffee and their iced coffee is the best bang for your buck despite how shitty it is. If I ask for "milk and sugar" they put wayyyy too much of both in, but I can't drink it black because DD coffee is so disgustingly acidic. And people complain about Starbucks? Their prices aren't that off, and while Starbucks coffee is pretty bad, at least I can drink it black without setting off my gag reflex!
How do you even ask for "just a teeny bit of milk and don't even bother with the sugar because I know you'll screw it up," anyway? Is there a fancy term for it?

Anyway, I don't even know what the point of this is aside of putting off drawing this dumb comic, except that I will never be happy with coffee that I don't prepare myself. I guess I could try going to 7-11, but I seem to remember their coffee being some of the most vile sputum that I've ever had the displeasure of drinking and completely beyond saving with any amount of milk or sugar.

On a totally unrelated note in an attempt to save this completely worthless entry, the new Gurren Lagann Parallel Works video is so beautiful. Do yourselves a favor and watch it in high quality!

NOTE: May contain spoilers, but I think really only if you know what it's referring to. Considering I hear rumor that this is either exactly how they start the new movie or pretty damn close to it, I'm not really all that afraid of showing it off.

I got the hugest nerdboner ever over it; I'm not even gonna lie. In fact, I was so impressed, I am going to start watching the entire series over again with Linds tonight. It's rare enough for me to finish watching an anime series, but watching it twice? Unprecedented!! That's how good this series is, wither!!!!!!!!!
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