So I'm Out of Cigarettes

Jun 18, 2007 03:59

I quit smoking once every few weeks... for a day or two

Because I can't afford it at the time.

"Could be a good thing" I keep telling myself, but then fate shits on my face and gives me money in one form or another and then WHAM! Time for another pack of smokes!

What really sucks is that we're becoming a dying breed. People in public treat us like a bunch of sick people--like on the same level as baby rapists. Whoever's behind all of the anti-tobacco marketing these days is ruthless and cunning, that's all I have to say. The other day some cunt said we were giving her lung cancer via second hand smoke.

She had to yell this from well over 50 feet away--clear across a campus courtyard. Some of us told her to get bent, but man it got on my nerves.

Anyway, it got me thinking about smokers who become nonsmokers, and how they change after they quit. Some people treat the smokers population with some respect, knowing how they've felt. But some people become zealots, and join the "Fuck You, Your Cancer Sticks, And Your Mother's Ass For Good Measure" Brigade. Dealing with those people just sucks--and more so than with people who have never been a smoker.

So, I really want to stick it to those dicknoses if I ever decide to quit. Maybe I will continue to send checks for $5-6 every few days to the tobacco industry, to further their efforts of combating the huge anti-smoker sentiment that's plaguing the nation.
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