Title: The fellowship Chapter 2
Pairing: Kamenashi Kazuya/ Nishikido Ryo; Uchi Hiroki/ Yamashita Tomohisa; Katori Shingo/ Kimura Takuya; Aiba Masaki/ Matsumoto Jun; Akanishi Jin/ Takizawa Hideaki
Rating: PG
Multi chapter
Genre: humor, crack, friendship, drama AU
Warning: Johnny's as animals with human touch.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, but the story is mine. :D
Note: English is not my native language, so I'm sorry for mistakes
Summary: There is a guild of anmials, who learned to live together, because they need to survive in a world full of hunters. Every of them has a partner - often a really unequal one....
Note 2: This story is dedicated to a few people around here. First of all to
lilly0 because she helped me with some plot,
sweetspicyhot as a little birthday present,
romapi just because you always are really nice <3, and
kitsune_hikaru for encouraging me with this story. <3
Chapter 2 Previous:
Character sheet /
Chapter 1