Title: Please forgive me (One shot)
Pairing: Nishikido Ryo/ Takizawa Hideaki
Rating: R (just to be safe)
Genre: Romance
Warning: really, really cheesy :P
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, but the story is mine. :D
Note: English is not my native language, so I'm sorry for mistakes
Summary: Based on Brian Adams' song "Please forgive me. I took the lyrics from
HERE . Tackey and Ryo are talking about their love for each other.
Note 2: Dedicated to
lilly0 ; some time ago we were in the car and listened to a Brian Adams song in radio. And we talked about writing a Fic out of one of his songs. I think it wasn't this one we were talking about, but I love this song, so I took this. ^____^ And because TackeyRyo is (one of) your OTP(s), and I didn't write them since weeks, I took them. :D Hope you like it. ^^
Please forgive me