Title: The stars above us CHAPTER 6: Pink up my life
Pairing: RyoUchi, Subassan, for now(?) Yoko/Hina, a struggle between TomaPi and Pin, as for the others we'll see. Everything is still open...
Group: Kanjani8 --> It's also the group's story! Plus involving other Johnnys (like Takki, News, Jin, MatsuJun)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Friendship, romance, angst
Disclaimer: I don't own them or anything else JE-related. But the story is mine of course^^
Summary: With Kanjani a bunch of guys with different and colorful personalities is able to debut. A group with 8 different guys. Life goes up and down for them. From pre-debut until today... In the middle of all these problems and various circumstances the boys try to find their way...and their love.
Dedicated to
kitsune_hikaru and
a_k_k_h_n , who kept motivating to me to continue this story
Chapter 6 *NEW*
Chapter 1/
Chapter 2/
Chapter 3/
Chapter 4/
Chapter 5