Title: Born in Bordeaux ~ Two Worlds
Author: lalois
Fandom: Kanjani8
Pairings: RyOhkura, mild Yasuba
Rating: R (beware of some mention of sex)
Length: short series
Words: 4859
Genre: AU, slice-of-life, long-distance relationship, fluff, romantic smut, somehow UST
Disclaimer: sadly I don’t own anything about Kanjani8, just my worship for my OTP.
Prompt: inspired by the worlds of French wines and Japanese sake.
Summary: a summer story, a casual, fateful meeting, two worlds intertwining.
Written/translated on: 1st September 2017 - 24th October 2017 - 28th January 2018
Previous chapters:
3/Mount Rokko,
4/Tokyo, NadaAlso available
@ Ao3,
LJ He's calling to tell me this week he won't make it. No train bound for Tokyo to jump in, this time, for he must stay at home: in the weekend, he'll be busy with his father and the board of directors of the company for business meetings. "I'm so sorry. But I promise I'll grant you a surprise next time you'll be coming here." "You needn’t." "I need to do that, instead. Please."