Title: Ryo's first year in medical school
deh100Rating: G (I think)
Genre: au
Pairing(s): none
Summary: medical school!au, basically
Warnings: first fic; english isn't my first language; un-betaed o_O
Author's Notes: I just wanna say that this is MY FIRST FIC so it probably sucks a lot :P ...Ohkura isn't here because, in this au, Ohkura will enter medical school a year after Ryo and Yasu... My intention is to write other fics about this universe, featuring other JE groups as well as Kanjani8 (I still have a lot of things I wanna write about Eito in this universe). Comments of any kind are welcomed!!!! please please comment Ow, and I'm new in this community, so please take care of me >.< (yoroshiku!)