Hey guys,
Just wanted to say that I stumbled across a wordpress site that had
Arashi Quotes. I thought that
kanjani8_quotes was the first of the JE kind, but it looks like the Arashi fandom bet me by a couple of months. Haha. Nevertheless, feel free to
check the site out. You'll definitely crack smiles here and there :)
Nothing really else important to announce, but I just want to (again) say a thanks to all of you who have joined kanjani8_quotes. The last time I checked was a week ago, and suddenly the member count jumped up a fair bit - so thanks to whoever who has advertised this community! <3
Hope you're all hyped about 8Uppers ;)
P.S. If some of you are curious why I skip numbers every now and again, it's because I've posted those quotes as members-only. This is mainly due to the video being subbed or the translations are in a locked community.