MC at Miyagi, July 2007 & translated by
daisy-jp Yoko: I was feeling mischievous. us your stomach, Yasu.
(Yasu confidently lifts his shirt & something is drawn on his stomach)
Hina: It's washed away now.
Yoko: In fact, this is Doraemon.
Yasu: I was surprised when I woke up this morning because my hands were all black.
Yoko: While I was drawing this, Yasu woke up once.
(*Maru nods*)
Yoko: It's funny how people act when they have nowhere to hide. Maru moved near the guitar and tried to be a guitar (laughs). And for when I tried to hide, I became a a silent rock...
Hina: With your eyes little by little. *
Yoko: Anyway, Yasu didn't notice.
Yasu: What? I didn't wake up after all?
* Don't really get that part