K8 Chronicle F to end in late March, new show starts in May!

Mar 01, 2022 01:47

On today's episode 2/28 of K8 Chronicle F it was announced that the show will end in March 21. There were rumors since the end of last year that the show will end by the end of March, as April will be the start of TV stations' renewals every year. So sad to Chronicle go. I became a fan thanks to the amazing corners they had back then.

Good news is, Fuji TV is giving Eito another show starting from May 9 (every Monday, 24:55~25:25). The show's provisional title is「あとはご自由に」(ato wa gojiyuuni; the rest, do as you please). Summed up from Fujitv's web article about the new show:

Concept of the show has not been revealed, but the corners of this show will remind you of midnight variety shows (I expect CHAOS!). There will be corners that make full use of the acting skills of the members, documentary projects that are supposed to be fiction but are full of reality (?), and location filming corners that are planned by the members themselves, etc. "They are now nationally popular and well known, and we hope that many viewers will start to fall in love with Kanjani8 after they turn 40."

The show will be directed by Fukuyama-san who was the director of Chronicle of its early days! I saw on Twitter many fans are so happy that Fukuyama-san is back. Here is the comment from Fukuyama-san about the new show:

The title of the program, "The rest, do as you please", can be turned around to mean, "Please follow the initial rules and settings, and then you can do whatever you want". I feel that Kanjani8 members, who are a bit twisted, would be able to make it more amusing when they have one rule that they have to follow, rather than when they're completely free. We, the planning and production team, have to come up with a simple yet strong corners with only one rule, and let the members to "do the rest, as they please". If we can do this, I'm confident that we will be able to create a one-of-a-kind program.

The end of Chronicle has good sides and bad sides, I think.

Good sides, they can come up with fresh, fun corners (I mean come on, Chronicle F is nowhere near Chronicle level of fun, right?). Also, midnight slot means more freedom for the members in terms of speech and activities. I read on some articles before that midnight shows don't need to worry about ratings. Plus! Fukuyama-san!!!!!

Bad sides, IT'S CHRONICLE ;w; The new show will be a downgrade (?) from the nationwide broadcast Chronicle F to Kanto local show. And yes, time slot change from 11pm to midnight.

Sad? Yes. Excited? Also yes. I'm so grateful that Fuji is still giving Eito a chance with a new show :)

Read about the new show here:


tv show: kanjani8 chronicle f, !: news

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