TMI WARNING!! Please skip to next paragraph. My period's finally here, hooray~!\o/ ...OK, I know that sounds weird but the week before my period is always the worst so I know the worst is over once I get my menstrual cramps (OW). Some little stuff made me cry last night but this week's looking good so far.♥
Mom had a biopsy last Friday for cancer. My last entry included stuff about it (arranging insurance is a pain in the ass!) but I deleted it 'cause I felt guilty, 'cause Mom said not to tell people (and I've told quite a few). Now that she's more or less in the clear though (something about the doctor only finding fluids where there's supposed to be blood), it seems like everyone's being told she's OK. The surgery and overnight stay racked up a bill of nearly 500USD (the doctor chose not to be paid 'cause she's a family friend), and I missed a doll meet last Saturday that I'd been really looking forward to, but I'm so, so happy she's OK. I was so scared./)_(\
I got my first ever credit card billing statement last Saturday!\o/ Ahaha, I know shouldn't be this happy.orz But I went down to the bank around two hours ago and paid it off--with my own money!-- and wheee~~ I feel like such an adult!! A silly one, BUT AN ADULT~!
...and then a few minutes after I got back to the office, an LBC delivery guy gave me this:
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