Happy Singles Awareness Day!

Feb 13, 2006 19:48

A coworker came up with that. Neither of us are big valentines day fans, apparently.

Anyway, One Six Right was tres cool. I thought it might have more "beautiful flying scenes" like that trailer I linked to earlier, but it was more about information. There were still a lot of those scenes, but usually more as a backdrop for someone talking. It was really well done, about the history of Van Nuys, and about the value of general aviation and the fight to keep airports around. There were once 59 airports in the LA area, and now there are only 9. People fight to have them shut down because they don't like the noise, despite the fact that it is often the airports that originally brought in the people and the business and the money to a formerly vacant area. They employ lots of people, serve as recreation centers, allow fire and police to stop trouble before it gets out of control, provide emergency services (like Katrina relief), etc. It's really engaging, and meant as a teaching tool for non-pilots to understand and appreciate what we do. The only problem with that is they made it too expensive for anyone without an interest to just casually purchase. I hope it ends up available for rent at least.

They showed a quote at the end:

When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.
-Leonardo da Vinci

That almost seems like proof Leonardo did fly... it was shown that a hang glider built off his drawings could fly, so I bet he did. And even before him, there's some evidence of people flying primative balloons around. I think flight is a lot older than the U.S. centric want you to think.
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