
Jun 24, 2010 22:54


I finally got the second packet of disability application paperwork done copied and in the mail. after the letter saying the first deadline had passed and if they didn't get it by 28 june they were going to make a decision based on what they had and holy crap my hands hurt and my brain is way seriously overcooked. It isn't helping that my fucking psych decided I needed to come in and see him before he'd refill the anxiolytics I called to refill last Thursday and neglected to, y'know, communicate that with me.

So I'm a week out of anxiety meds. Doing this paperwork has been cause for much anxiety. Aaaaaaagh. Claws on the inside of my skull. And I should call tomorrow and say it's on the way. Phones. Fuck.

And my hands hurt.


It's not like I'm, y'know. Active. Or noisy. Or anything like. But I'm gonna be quieter a while. Because ow. Just so y'all know.


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