
Jun 12, 2010 12:06

i am out of the antipsychotic med i've been taking. (been out for a day now.) i called in a refill thursday. no refill. called my psych; the voice mail is full. called the clinic. he's out of town. no one else can write me a script. go to the emergency room.

so i called my gp. hi my psych's out of town and i'm out of my antipsychotic is there anyone there who can write me three-five days of it until i can get more? the answering service says they absolutely do not do med refills on the weekend. did i try the clinic? yes i tried the clinic. they should have someone on call who could write that for you. oh agreed they should but they don't. no luck there.

my pain management doctor might. nope, says the answer phone message. no med refills outside of business hours. okay i can see that and i'd like her to keep her dea license also.

have i mentioned i fucking hate the phone? that phones are evil and talking on them to people i do not know is also a bad thing that takes much effort and leaves my brain in a snarl?

at this point i got two options: stay off my meds until some asshole gets off the stick and writes me a fucking prescription or go to the damn emergency room. both are like, uh, bad. i am all panicky just thinking about going to the emergency room for three days worth of meds gah. and of course the wife is at work with the car and won't be home til like seven. i just don't know which is the worse option. (i'm thinking going to emergency is the worse option but we'll see.)

and this med helps with the panic so not having it is not helping me feel calmer. or think well. it also helps me sleep so not having it meant i got about five hours sleep last night.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

i just love being crazy.

Aperiodically Legible: Originally posted at http://kaninchen.dreamwidth.org/3909.html. Comment count:
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