With the arrest -- finally! -- of Roman Polanski thirty-some years after he raped a child, pled guilty, and fled the country before sentencing, there's been a lot of failtastic media coverage.
Anne Applebaum's rape apologia and attack on... the American rule of law? It's hard to process well when your stomach is trying to crawl out of whatever
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Almost word-for-word my reaction to any music by Gary Glitter anymore, for a very similar reason. This particular type of association definitely happens for me. And it means I've long since become unable to watch his otherwise-brilliant Romeo and Juliet. :/
Which you know already of course. I think out loud a lot.
Plus, being pleased that sports teams now tend to use Joan Jett's cover of "Rock and Roll, Part 2" instead of Gary Glitter's original, to deprive him of royalties; and deciding to choose lyrics from a song OTHER than "California Dreamin'" for the names of my Dragoncave autumn dragons, because the associations made me feel icky; and having that "brilliant-movie-but-eurgh" reaction to Rosemary's Baby.
I feel very disappointed that someone who could create such lovely music could do such an ugly thing. My kid learned (taught herself) to sing harmony following Mama Michelle's vocal line on "Monday, Monday." She was three.
Jesus fuck.
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