Given that VE decays at a rate of 300/5s, Provoke is looking like a poor alternative for hate generation beyond the initial bump. Without some manner of generating CE the tank will quickly lose hate... And when you add in -25 CE for shadow loss with Utsusemi the numbers begin to draw an interesting conclusion:
DRK is a better sub for NIN in terms of hate generation and in turn, tanking.
The thing about VE is that total VE decays at a rate of 60 units per second. This can be tested easily by a WAR/MNK. They will get 1800VE from Provoke, 300VE from Boost #1, and 300VE from Boost #2. The total time to loose hate to someone with <60CE will be 40 seconds instead of 30 seconds with just Provoke.
This shows that Provoke is indeed weak for NIN because they don't have great ways of generating additional VE (VE from Kurayami: Ni is currently still unknown), but they can still keep Provoke ready for when someone pulls hate with a high CE or VE ability.
I'd like to see someone try this combination against Gods: NIN/BST. Now you have damage and Charm (15 second timer) to raise CE while shadows help keep it from decaying very quickly
How about NIN/RDM? Dispel is the same hate, and with nin's usual haste and fast cast it'd have a 5 second recast. Plus you have other useful abilities. Only downside is you need some refresh.
Unless I missed something and Dispel hate is different based on whether it removes something, is resisted, or has no effect (quite likely even if it hasn't been tested).
It's not that Charm has different hate; it's that Charm is a free ability. Granted, virtually everything else a BST has in this situation is useless. Still, it allows for slow, free hate generation. Me, I'd take the Drk with an outside 'fresher for primary tanking - the added damage and huge hate are sexy as hell. Rdm could easily work for low-manning, and Bst likewise for backup work as a tertiary tank.
I would consider RDM/NIN just another standard endgame tank now. I think there have been enough documented cases of it working and why it works. Dispel, Sleep, Sleep II, Blind, etc. along with fast cast traits and high innate MDB makes it very viable.
DRK is a better sub for NIN in terms of hate generation and in turn, tanking.
- Ryoii/Nonomii
- Ryoii/Nonomii
Unless I missed something and Dispel hate is different based on whether it removes something, is resisted, or has no effect (quite likely even if it hasn't been tested).
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