Just reading what happened with Sakurai-san *cries* here:
Sakupyon victims and wanted so badly to give him all my support:
Sakurai-san, I continue supporting you and I continue believing in you and in your work. The fact that you have apologized and have shown how how you feel in this respect it is admirable. Ganbate Sakurai-san so you can come back soon! your fans are waiting!!
Señor Sakurai, sigo apoyándole y sigo creyendo en usted y en su trabajo. El hecho de que haya pedido disculpas y haya mostrado cómo se siente al respecto es admirable. ¡Esfuérzate al máximo para que puedas regresar pronto! ¡¡tus fans te estamos esperando!!
I'm gonna miss you!!!