This was technically due yesterday, but...

Oct 19, 2011 19:11

So, boards. Yesterday.

Planned to get up at 5. Woke up at 4:30 and in that half hour, I died a thousand deaths.

Got to the site bright and early. I tried to look at nerve papers while pacing around but I ended up putting most of my focus on trying to calm.

Took the test. It was ok. Some of it I just didn't know and had to force myself to accept that and that I would get the question wrong. When the exam got to 100 questions (the minimum) I was praying it would shut off, but it didn't. I admit, I was devastated. I continued to 118.

I exited to the front desk where the lady was folding the print out of my results. I was looking but trying not to look and the glimpse I got was "FAIL." I almost keeled over.

I opened the letter and in big bold caps was "PASS".

I went to the bathroom and cried. I couldn't believe I actually did it. Eight years of work and 150K of debt later. I'm a CRNA. I'm free. Done. I can have my life back. I still can't believe it.

After making a billion phone calls, I raced home to spend 1.5 hours trying to get designer Disney dolls. Shiera captured the moment pretty well. XD

After that, I had lunch with Mary Ann at Matsu and then we went to see The Phantom of the Opera. Hugh Panaro, do me now.

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image Click to view

We went to wait for them backstage (the only 2 fools there), but they didn't come out. We did see Angela Basset coming out of Mountaintop (play with Samuel Jackson). Went home after that.

It was a great day. <3

crna, disney, friends, did you know..., i can haz gifs?, tag abuse, Excusez-moi - Qui a pété?, jesus saves - you take full damage, lol internets, america - fuck yeah, i have no words, grad school, love it, now she ded from joke, lol, *ded*, life, what's your damage?, lol wat, praise da lawd, chaos, hellz yeah!!, paaaartay!!, why are you still reading this?, win, i can't fucking believe it, dinos, kitties!, i need a drink, the phantom of the opera, get this bitch some xanax, wow..., the simpsons, wishes, pictures ahoy!, aladdin, these bitches be cray-cray, reflections, lolz, screw the rules - i have money, it's official..., get me to a nunnery, fuckin' a, bwa haha!, disney princess, meme, awesome!, nursing, nurse anesthetist, start your engines

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