Last week was ok. The most exciting thing was a nasal intubation I did successfully. Yay! It was hard, it was annoying, it was a pain in the ass, but damn it, I did it! Furthermore, from that experience, I've realized I want nothing to do with oral surgery. It is way to bloody and pts look way to uncomfortable post-op for my tastes. Possibly because I myself was puking blood after having my wisdom teeth sliced out. Either way, oral surgery = DO NOT WANT.
Other than that, I think that nasal intubation was the only one I got last week, and that's been bumming me out. I feel better after talking to Andrea today. She, like me, has up and down weeks. And ups and downs within weeks. Still, I feel like no one sucks as much as I do at intubations. Plus, then I feel like right after everyone tells me not to harp on intubating because I'll "get it eventually," they all turn around and talk of nothing but harping on my intubating! It drives me crazy!!
Understanding, competence, decent skills, am I there yet?
Also, to the person who keeps asking, no I haven't bought any new JPN Disney Princess Magazines in a long time. Sorry. When poor-student-dom is over next year, I'll be back in force.