Let's try this again!

Feb 10, 2009 14:21

So, grandma is fine, & I've rescheduled my Egypt trip.

I was supposed to go yesterday. We sat in the plane on the tarmac for 5 hours. First it was "wheel trouble." Which they "fixed."

Then we got to the runway. (Ever get on a plane with outdoor cameras? Watching that thing roll over floor lights on the TV, that shit is farkin' creepy.)

On the runway, they announce we're going back to the gate because we had "more problems."

We get to the gate, the engines started struggling and the POWER FAILED. All the lights in the plane started blinking off and coming back on. The emergency lights didn't even come on. The bathrooms didn't work either.

It was a great light show. Nothing like fireworks to end off with. We then were allowed to get off at 11pm (we'd been in since 5:30) and stood in the terminal for another 2 hours while they "fixed the plane" again.

There was a whole big stink and arguement with management and some customers at the terminal. They were quite unprofessional, IMO. There didn't need to be an arguement to begin with if they would just tell us what's going on. They were quite hostile about giving out information. I'm not going to buy tickets from them in the future.

But I was not getting back on that thing. They can't fix my car that fast when it has electrical issues, they're going to fix a plane that fast and fly it over the Atlantic in the dead of the night?

They agreed to let me, my mom, and a few others go on today's flight.

People did get on and the plane did take off on the third try. I was looking to see it's status on Egypt Air. It should've landed by now, but it hasn't.

I hope everything went ok. I'm going to ask when I get to check-in.

egypt, wtf?!, plane

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