Apr 27, 2006 18:37
So a couple of weeks ago tomorrow I got a ticket in Addison for expired registration. The cop told me I had two weeks to take care of it. Like an idiot I didn't look at the ticket to make sure that was correct.
This morning I had a couple of hours scheduled off to go get both the registration and ticket taken care of.
Only I slept in later than I meant to and then had a flat tire when I got out to my car. So after that was resolved I had just enough time to get to work on time.
I have to get up very early tomorrow morning to take care of this as a result. I'm scared they're going to arrest me as it's past the 10 day grace period the ticket says.
Any suggestions?
Also, today work was heinous.
And now I have to call my landlords and ask if I can postpone my rent 'til the 4th.
~~Kangi Tanka~~