On selfishness

Aug 11, 2005 21:40

I'm off to bed, yes, because tomorrow = work, but first -

Having come across this via the rage from my entire flist, I have to say the following:

cousinjean, you can fuck the fuck off. I don't want to read your excuses, or any of your apologists' excuses about how people shouldn't rant and yell over what was "a mistake". You know what?

I have a right to rant and yell and take this personally. Go here and you'll see my name up there; the UK rep. I helped do that. I worked my arse off to do that.

I organised and I marched and I lobbied, all so that you and everyone else could continue writing Buffy fanfic and not be shut down, and what do you do? You decide to ruin it for everyone else.

Yes, people were pissed off, and yes, many took it very personally. That's because your actions affected them personally. Maybe you are relatively new to fandom, and weren't around when websites were being shut down left right and centre. "But Joss loves fanfic!" so many of your apologists say. Yes he does, you simple-minded cretins, and FOX hates it. FOX did their utmost to shut down their entire fanbase (X-Files, Millennium, Buffy et al), and damn near succeeded between 2000 and 2001. (Anyone remember the Slayme.com and Tripod closures? The Geocities disappearing websites? The change in TOS?) I and many, many others, worked our arses off, and you're going around not only trying to profit monetarily from this, but to do so at the cost of other fans.

Fuck you.

meta, fandom, btvs, rant

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