Fic overload!

Mar 26, 2005 04:39

Week from hell (tm) is over. Again.

Well, more or less. I am predictably sniffling and sneezing and coughing up a lung, but there is still the Torture Garden Easter Ball tonight, and Easter Sunday itself tomorrow, so I need to hang on a while longer before keeling over. It's all gonna be fine. *stressed look*

BUT! The comica_obscura challenge is over (yes indeedy), and I have fic recs, and other recs, too. I obviously can't reveal what fic I wrote, but suffice it to say that I was happy on all sorts of over-the-counter medication at the time. There, that should narrow it down.


Not A Sparrow Falls by /unknown/
Jack Hawksmoor has a word with Jeroen after they deal with the rogue Doctor. Poor Jeroen! *sniffle* There's nothing like watching someone you despise do your job - but better - to make you feel like shit.

Going Fishing by /unknown/
The Earth's fish have been kidnapped. Can the Doctor save the day? It also has snarking and joking and fluffy bunny love. This is all true. Except for the fluffy bunny love.

Who Is Like God by /unknown/
Wherein we have Lucifer/Michael slash, the way it was meant to be. And it was good.

Four Times Arvin Sloane Fell In Love, And One Time He Didn't by /selenak/
Not a part of the comica_obscura challenge, obviously. I have now learnt that when I beg and plead and whine, selenak writes such good Arvin Sloane it makes me tingly in all the right places (those places might be wrong places in other circumstances, it's all about the circumstances, isn't it?). So, so good. Go read it now.


I had other recs, but athena25 is making me dress because I am catching my death of cold. Or somesuch. Back later.

comics, alias, fic rec

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