Ew (stop it stop it stop it IT'S HORRID)

Apr 30, 2013 17:43

Reading TOS fic (Sarek/Amanda) and mostly being revolted by the mischaracterisation that seems so prevalent. The bit that really bugs me is having Sarek easily and freely declare his love - and lust - for Amanda, and stubbornly reiterate that he feels nothing for Spock. You know, that doesn't make him alien and enigmatic, it makes him a self-centred douche. As is the attempt by more than one writer to have him exasperated that Amanda won't sleep with him immediately after

Spock's death

because she's being emotional. Because, of course Sarek is being logical - the author has said so! - while having a little hissy fit about his blue (or green) balls.

Dear Sarek/Amanda authors. Please stop. You're making me hate one of my favourite pairings. Sarek/Amanda & Spock are dysfunctional, sure, and Spock and Sarek may not get on for ages. But please don't try to tell me that Sarek didn't love him. There is too much canon evidence.

Also, if you think that having Amanda say that she would trade Spock's life for Sarek's happiness makes her more human and fallible, you're wrong. It makes me want to run to social services and have her baby taken away. Don't make Amanda into someone I despise.

I don't even know why I'm continuing to read these, they make me SO angry. I love the pro-novel characterisations, why isn't anyone writing them? The Diane Duane -verse Vulcans are brilliant. Please, miss, may we have some more?

(Btw, if anyone has recs for good Vulcan-centric stories in the TOS (not AOS please - I reserve all my love for Gaila&Uhura in AOS) - I would be immensely grateful.

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