Dear Yuletide Author,
Thank you for writing for of my fandoms! I tend to request obscure little fandoms with little or no fic, so rest assured that I will be thrilled to bits with whatever you choose to write. I go into more detail below on my general likes and squicks. I'd ask that, should you read the below and find that you don't especially want to write anything vaguely related to these prompts, you write something that you are comfortable with. In other words - the below is meant to help, not flummox. :)
Stuff I like:
1. Gen, slash, het, femslash, whatever. I’ve requested pairings in my prompts below, but if any of the pairings don't work for you, rest assured that I would be equally happy with strong words across the room as I would be with a steamy sex scene.
2. Plot! I do love me some plot. Failing that, angst!
3. Dialogue. Words! Words in people’s mouths! People having opinions, and arguments, and snarking at each other!
4. First-times in shippy fic. I tend to be less interested in a couple after they have been happily settled or wrapped up in each other, and a lot more interested in how couples get together.
5. Conflict. I like change in fic - change in relationships, change in preconceptions, change in situation, good old-fashion action-adventure - and having characters disagree or take opposing sides. I'm not generally a fan of schmoop, smarm or fluff.
6. Protectiveness / family / team feelings.
Stuff I don't like:
1. Chan, shota, underage, however you term it. I have trouble with anything below the age of consent (16 where I live);
2. Non-con, rape. I sometimes read it, but it's rare, and I normally find it very difficult to read.
3. Character-bashing. If I've nominated a fandom I tend to love all the characters.
4. The common sex-based squicks - chan as mentioned, also scat, watersports, snuff, etc. I'm also not a fan of alpha/beta/omega fic, knotting, mpreg, etc.
5. Yuletide-specific "do not like" (i.e. I like them fine outside of Yuletide, but not in Yuletide): crossovers, metafic, author inserts, breaking the fourth wall.
My requested fandoms this year are:
Seafort Saga - David Feintuch, Nicholas Seafort, Edgar Tolliver
Tolliver is never really imperilled in canon, and therefore we don't see how Nicky would react to him being in danger. I have a feeling it wouldn't be in a calm & collected manner. Anything with Nicky showing some of what he feels for Tolliver - either gen or slashy - with a Tolliver dangling over a precipice or whatever would be brilliant.
What can I say? Every time I request this fandom, I get awesome fic. This isn't exactly an incentive to stop me requesting it. :) But seriously, there is so little fic for these guys out there, I would be incredibly happy with any fic for them. I'm on a bit of a protective / possessive kick at the moment, so anything playing off that would be awesome.
Formula 1 RPF, Alain Prost, Ayrton Senna
After Prost retired, the quarrel with Senna seems to have eased a bit. Certainly by his last race Senna felt reconciled enough to tell Prost that he missed him, and after Senna's death Prost was a pallbearer and a trustee of the Ayrton Senna Foundation. I'm interested in how they got to that point, and what Prost thought about it. I would be happy with either slash or gen.
I've read about a million books on these two, watched the documentaries, etc, and despite all the talk about rivalries, and them 'making up' professionally, I'm still at a bit of a loss as to how Senna went from physically trying to drive Prost off the grid to beging him to come back. And this was a pretty horrible time in Senna's driving career, where he knew that his car didn't have what it takes to bring in the wins. So maybe his rivalry with Prost represented a better time for him, one where he was properly equipped to deliver the championship. Either way, anything slashy or gen about this very interesting period of their lives (or maybe a retrospective look from Prost afterwards?) would be really great.
Great British Bake Off RPF, Paul Hollywood, John Whaite, James Morton, Cathryn Dresser
I confess to a terrible weakness for Paul Hollywood's tendency to handle baked goods while staring challengingly into James and/or John's eyes. Er, you know what I mean. Anything with Paul being scathing & semi-flirting, John being panicky, James doing something completely different, and Cathryn saying "Oh my giddy aunt" would be good. Anything slashy or gen would be fabulous.
What can I say, other than I watched Bake Off, and am now watching Bake Off Masterclass? To my shame, I am completely overcome by Paul Hollywood's steely blue eyes, especially if he's kneading something particularly fluffy. It's a kink I never knew about & I'm getting treatment? IDEK. I pretty much loved all the bakers, with the noteable exception of Brendan (apologies if he's your favourite!), so anything with them, you know, baking, would be awesome. Or slashy times between Paul & James or Paul & John. Or Cathryn having a crisis & the two boys (plus Paul) helping out, a la the dropped cake fiasco of last year. Or... GBBO reunion? Or... GBBO - the Comic Relief version? IDEK. As long as Paul is being scathing. And/or kneading something.
Top Gear (UK) RPF, Jeremy Clarkson, James May
James has, in the past, made some comments around what depression feels like (both in Top Gear & during his James & Oz drinking programmes). So I think it's pretty safe to safe that he has had some serious bouts of depression that he may mention on occasion, but which probably didn't feel that great while he was going through them. I'm a sucker for h/c fic, and I'm a sucker for fic where the characters are going through difficult times, especially around mental health issues, so any fic where James struggles with some of that & Jeremy helps him (either slash or gen) would make me happy. Some suggested timelines - the Syria trip & James's injury, after Fusker's death, maybe just a low time in between filming - anything with James needing a friend & Jeremy actually getting it together & being there for him.
OK, I have a serious thing about having James suffer. His comments about depression & mental health seem to come from a place of experience, and I find it interesting how difficult it would be to be a celebrity struggling with depression, when it's hard enough with no cameras on you. And Jeremy can be a bastard sometimes, but he seems to be there when his mates need him, so anything with him basically being all protective & supportive would be fabulous. If you're not comfortable writing about depression or h/c of that kind, any kind of positive & supportive relationship/friendship (slashy or gen) between the two of them would be ace. :)
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