
Oct 09, 2011 13:05

I have spent my first weekend in Malawi lazing about, drinking coffee and rooibos tea, eating scones, listening to music and watching crappy DVDs. I wonder if this is what my boss had in mind when he shipped me out here? Anyway, it's only for a couple of months, I'm back for Christmas. However, I miss Halloween and Guy Fawkes! UNACCEPTABLE. I love Halloween. I LOVE IT. I love dressing up, and going to parties and generally indulging. And then a week later getting mulled wine into me around a bonfire and getting all ready for the cold. However lovely Malawi is, there is no cold, no bonfires, and no Halloween or Samhain or anything similar.

So, naturally, I planned for this, and brought Lovecraft's Omnibus 1: At the Mountains of Madness with me. I'm also trying to persuade the other ex-pats here to have a Halloween party. We're from all the corners of the globe (well, all corners of Europe, plus one Canadian), so my main selling point is the cake. CAKE! I am trying to persuade

saharacook to scan my graveyard cake recipe (carefully saved from Good Food for several years) so I can attempt it. It'll cost a small fortune, with every imported ingredient worth its weight in gold, but it'll be worth it, n'est ce pas?

I found a picture of it from a couple of years ago:

Yes, yes. You are correct. That is indeed a CHOCOLATE GRAVEYARD CAKE with MERINGUE GHOSTS. And very delicious it was too. What with all the power cuts here I'm not sure I'll be able to get to the final product this year, but I can have a go, right?

This entry was originally posted at DreamWidth. There are
comments there. Comments are welcome at either journal.

halloween, africa, food

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