New house, new internets

May 25, 2011 22:08

Every other post I write seems to start with, "Oh, I have been away ever so long." It's practically tradition. Never let it be said that I put no store by tradition.

Oh, I have been away ever so long. I do not even remember the last time I posted, although I suppose it is not as long ago as I suppose. Having no internet access does strange things to my mind, even partial internet access. Developed world problems - we've moved house and I've had to subsist on 3G for a week and a half. Oh, the humanity!

It has been a busy few weeks, mind you. Lots of tantalisingly confidential changes taking place at work - once it's all inked in I shall be very relieved - and of course the house move itself. No more hellish neighbours! No more 4am waking to the drums being beaten above my head! No more gloomy dark house! New House (tm) is ever so nice. Lots of light, quiet neighbourhood, plus a garden with a SHED. I plan on doing SHED-THINGS with it, mostly for engine purposes.

The engine project stalled while my partner in crime was abroad, and now that she is back I am off, so it will stall again. CURSES. But once we're settled into the new place with tarp laid down and an engine block in place I expect that things will pick up again. More importantly - VERY IMPORTANTLY - I am now allowed on the roads without a leash. Yup, I passed my driving test! First attempt, and it was in South London, too. I am now apparently ready to drive anywhere. I am less certain about this, mind you, but I wasn't about to argue. Having secured my driving license, I of course immediately decided that I wanted to learn defensive, stunt and rally driving. (BECAUSE I CAN.) Also, motorbike riding. (ALSO BECAUSE I CAN.) I shall look ridiculous perched on the back of a bike, but that's between me and my motorgod.

In conclusion, I am back. I have started work on the
help_japan stories I owe various people. I am trying to catch up the huge backlog of BadRep articles I owe the lovely
mimtron , mostly around the Petrolhead stuff (of which I have 8 in the concept stage, for crying out loud), and a few other bits and pieces. The spirit is willing, the time is short! I think I shall have to schedule some time to devote to writing, which will make me feel very much like a Victorian lady at her letters.

I'd ask what everyone has been doing, but as I am reading LJ/DW about once a month, that seems a little churlish. So I'm going to just dive right back in instead.

This entry was originally posted at DreamWidth. There are
comments there. Comments are welcome at either journal.

petrolhead, house, real life (tm)

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