Fannish 5: 5 (canon) couples that seemingly came out of nowhere

Apr 26, 2011 23:08

1. Chakotay/Seven, Voyager: hands down, the most WTF couple that ever appeared out of the blue. There was no build-up whatsoever, and the two characters barely shared any screen-time before they were abruptly thrust together. I still think it was a reaction against the Janeway/7 feeling that had slowly been building.

2. Martha/Mickey, Doctor Who: speaking of couples that shared no screen-time... I've read some interesting fic getting these together, and as I like both characters I've enjoyed the fic. But this was so abrupt it felt like a tacked-on "everyone gets their happy ending" sort of job.

3. Spock/Uhura, STXI: and here's where everyone hates me! But I never saw it in the original series (I saw friendly flirting, sure, but NOT anything that was sexual in nature), and if I was going to go the 'human female' route I'd have probably brought back Lelia whatsherface, the botanist he was supposed to have been vaguely seeing at Academy.

4. Spock/Saavik, ST:III/IV: speaking of not seeing it - and not wanting to - the whole Spock&Saavik relationship for me was a father/daughter one. So the ponn farr and associated pregnancy, if you go by the deleted scenes in the original IV script, was I suppose a practical solution but still one that nearly gave me whiplash from the double-take.

5. Tonks/Remus, Harry Potter: no explanation given, no actual relationship depicted. Did they have any dialogue before she was off turning mousy with unrequited love over him? Barf.

*disappears back into the recesses of the internets*

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fannish 5, fandom

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