Kiss Bingo

Jul 11, 2010 14:37

I have internet access in the hotel! Only for the next half an hour and then I'm offline for a week, but internets!!!! I don't appreciate how much much I rely on the internet for daily queries until it isn't there any more.

In the meantime, I signed up for kiss bingo, which seems to be one of the few bingo challenges where I actually have a chance of writing enough fic to fill a line or two.

greetings: goodnight

time: twentieth

emotion: anger

type: glossy

type: blown/air

body: toes

type: Sleeping Beauty

face: lips

other: near-death

body: thighs

body: knees

type: French


experimental: fruit

greetings: hello

emotion: love

other: staged

experimental: licking

emotion: jealousy

greetings: good morning

body: top of head

time: last

location: daydream

location: dream

time: first

This entry was originally posted at DreamWidth. There are
comments there. Comments are welcome at either journal.

kissbingo, fic master list

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