Remix revealed: The Gorgoneion (The Epyllionic Remix)

May 30, 2010 22:15

The authors are revealed for Remix! I had a great time this year, and really enjoyed my gift fic, if i lose my way (the perfect obligation remix), and can now thank the writer, inkandchocolate properly. If you haven't had a chance to read this wonderful Firefly fic (a remix of my Simon&River fic, Stories), please do so!

As for me, I wrote -

The Gorgoneion (The Epyllionic Remix)
This is (as the title perhaps implies) a Greek mythology fanfic in verse, a remix of
trascendenza's amazing Pathways.

I had real fun with this, even though I spent most of my time tearing my hair out. The original grabbed me and wouldn't let go, until I lit upon the idea of remixing it - oh dear - into epic verse. Long story short - having read the fic I went back to the original Homeric sources, and was more than a little put out to reread Perseus' account of Medusa's transformation. I much preferred
trascendenza's version. Hence - this.

A million thanks are due to
monanotlisa and
aris_tgd, who worked really hard to make the reality of this match what I wanted it to be. (Mostly, they beat me about the head with iambic pentameter until it actually sank in.) I also relied heavily on Stephen Fry's helpful The Ode Less Travelled, which talked you through different poetry forms. In the end I opted for quite a simple mock-heroic style, but it was fun trying out different options.

This entry was originally posted at DreamWidth. There are
comments there. Comments are welcome at either journal.

fic: other, remix, fic: myths&legends

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