back in the land of the living

Mar 22, 2010 17:54

I had a fab day today. I don't really post much, and when I do it's generally depression-filled, so I imagine my shock - nay, astonishment! - when I had three good days in a row. Impossible, I swear.

The weekend was blissfully quiet. athena25 was away for LARPing shenanigans, so I took the opportunity to be domestic. And by 'domestic', I don't mean that I sat at home, which seems to have been the pattern of my winter. I was at home for some of it, but I was primarily cooking.

So, first up was a spicy red pepper and tomato soup, with warm ciabatta bread and goat's cheese. Bliss. And so moreish I had to have more... and then some more... and then make another batch to have more.

Then I decided to move on to salads the following day. I had a delicious tomato, mozzarella, avocado and spinach salad (baby leaf spinach!), with freshly squeezed orange juice. Followed by actual food, because it's not quite warm enough for salads yet. Actual food was gorgeous al dente linguini with chopped raw veg and a dash of extra virgin olive oil, for that "it's gonna be summer if it kills me" feeling.

Followed by fresh strawberries. YUM.

So after I finished eating the local Sainsbury's out of their fresh produce section, I decided to do some housework-type things. Not the 'I am depressed, see me polish' type of work, but opening up all the windows, doing fresh loads of washing, doing a little weeding, even - gasp! - leaving the back door open to air out the place.

I even found the time and energy to go to the gym for a truly punishing two hour session that left me unable to walk this morning. It was fabulous. A month's worth of lazing about, made up for in one morning's worth of pain and exertion. It was wonderful, I tell you.

I also had a mini clear-out, shifting loads of books and DVDs that were cluttering up the place.

Today I woke up and had a comedy morning, where I was convinced it was a Sunday because it was sunny. D'oh! Once I finally figured out that I should shift my arse out of bed, I got up... and nearly fell flat on my face, due to the afore-mentioned overly enthusiastic exertions yesterday. Got to work, things Not On Fire (tm) - knock on wood - and I am out tonight with my gay boyfriend.

So, anyway. Now that I am feeling vaguely human (due almost entirely to the fact that it has been sunny for a few days in a row, which basically means that whole bout of lethargy was due to a vitamin D deficiency), I am all-aglow about spring. I am even considering writing again. Imagine it! Me, back with a pen in my hand! Don't all fall down with shock.

Safe to say at this point: I'm officially off hiatus.

So what did I miss?

squee, days out, food

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