Writing 2010

Jan 10, 2010 16:02

I think I'd like a writing project for 2010, or the first half thereof anyway. I knocked out 30k in a month during Yuletide this year, so it's possible. Question is, what shall I write? I'm tempted to sign up to one of the Big Bang comms popular right now, to keep me on track, but I'm wondering if that might be pressure rather than indulgence. Hmmm.

Anyway. Current WIPs I'm thinking of picking up again:
- Ge bene hinnom: aka the Angelverse/1602 crossover I'm writing for selenak
- ...

Yeah, I had more WIPs than this, but this is the only one I'm inclined to work on at the mo.

New stuff I want to write down:
- a Quantum Leap idea that has been percolating for a couple of years. I am, however, petrified that I will do it Wrong.
- the State of Play threesome fic that needs to be written. I keep hoping someone else will write it so I don't have to. I only really have the sex scene in my head, tho, so I'm not sure if this is a long fic waiting to happen or a PWP someone else needs to write.
- I'm filled with the rather strange need to write a Hustle long con fic. I've never really been into Ocean's Eleven, so I don't understand my fascination with Hustle (other than the awesome Adrian Lester) but I love it. Problem is, other than a vague want to write this, I don't have any clue as to how.
- something girly and frivolous and British like St Trinian's or Mallory Towers. Girls with hockey sticks, or learning ballet, or something. Hearkening back to my childhood and all that. I nearly wrote this for Yuletide, but I think I need to immerse myself in the literature again.

Needless to say, none of the above fit into any Big Bang topic. Hmpf.

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via ljapp, writing

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