Yuletide squee!

Dec 28, 2009 22:13

My computer is slowly dying on me, so my posting access has become even more sporadic than usual. SO. While I have access, let me squee over yuletide!

First, my gift:

Moments of Red by anonymous
Summary: (Mars Trilogy - Robinson) Frank finds out about Maia and John and thinks about his part in the situation. Mostly pre-series.

I got John/Frank fic, you guys!! You have no idea how happy this makes me. John/Frank is my sekkrit Mars love! And it's heart-breaking and so sad, it makes me want to clasp Frank to my bosom. Go, read it, leave the writer lots of love!!

Thank you, secret author, for my awesome present!!


I would give you further recs, except I can't access the site for long enough to read through the fic properly. :( :( And I am loathe to do recs when I have read only about three stories! So I may have to wait until January, when I have a shiny new computer, to do a proper read of the archive.


However. In between my computer slowly sputtering its last, I managed to write three fics (actually, this could be what killed it...)

As is traditional - guess what I wrote and get a prize! RL has been kicking my arse lately, so they may take a while, but they will get there eventually. Comments are screened, of course.

So, clues: one is very long, one is short-ish, and one is >1,000. Two are in the main archive, and one is in Madness. I have not written in any of the fandoms before, and they are not huge or popular fandoms but tiny little out of the way things.

Guess away!

thank you, yuletide, fic offer

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