Real life interlude

Aug 24, 2009 21:36

Just a note to say that I'm not dead, but I am hideously busy with work and also fighting something that may or may not have been flu, and refuses to go away. I have next week off, and I am going to Edinburgh with several books, a blank notebook and some pretty pens, to read, write and watch Fringe theatre. The joys of iPhone means I'm always vaguely in touch with the online world but I don't have much to post beyond, "still doing the thing that I can't talk about, still stressful, also my throat resembles a germ warfare lab". So I'm going to take a little mini-hiatus and come back after my Edinburgh trip has put me back on me feet. Everyone - behave while I'm not around.

ETA: I've done a mini friends-trim to tidy up my friends list. It was mostly journals no longer being used, but let me know if I've defriended you and you're actually lurking rather than gone. I figure people come and people go pretty randomly here.

on hiatus

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