Srsly, in what world is this realistic?

Aug 14, 2009 12:54

OK, so staying in feeling a bit crappy, and decided to indulge in some comfort reading - Snape/Sirius. There had to have been new fic written since I dropped out of the fandom several years ago, right?

And there was. OMG, you guys. OMG. I have never read so much badly written, OOC fic before in my entire life. A whole new spin on revisionist history where James is a rapist, taking advantage of poor Severus, Sirius is a noble spirit who rescues him, and twue wuve prevails - with the power of Sirius' magic cock, of course. Urgh. I feel sorta dirty now.

Anyone know of any good Snape and/or Sirius fics written in the last 3 years? I would be veer so grateful.

fandom, harry potter

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