My life in bullet points

Jul 28, 2009 23:09

- Saw The Observer at the National Theatre last night - excellent production, provocative and thoughtful.

- Have introduced athena25 to the joys of Veronica Mars, I stand triumphant.

- Gossip Girl is making me insanely happy right now. And making me crave Laduree macaroons like a crazy pregnant woman.

- Speaking of, someone brought in their baby to work yesterday, and I got him for close to twenty minutes. He was adorable, but seemed to be under the impression that I was edible (or at least my fingers, which were admittedly wearing coral nail lacquer and therefore could well have resembled sweeties). I also got to impart sage toothing advice: frozen bananas.

- And something else, that is so AMAZING I can't quite speak about it yet lest it dissolve in my greedy little hands. *clutches it tightly to my bosom*

theatre, review, real life (tm)

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