Back at work, and it feels like rocks are falling on my head. Half the department is missing for various reasons, this does not make for an easy workload. If you stop hearing from me it's because I'm trapped under a giant pile of paper.
Anyway, in the meantime I got some fic beta-ed and ready for posting. I wrote this before Zambia, actually, but you know how skittish I am about RPF. *shrug*
Title: the universal wolf
kangeikoFandom: RPF - Sweeney Todd (2006)
Recipient/ficathon: written for brand_new_name for
yuletide's NYR 2009 challenge.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Maybe it's just him getting older. Maybe man wasn't meant to film musicals at this age.
Thanks to:
hadeschild, for a fab beta job and much-needed hand-holding.
Follow the fake cut.