in which it is too hot

Jun 30, 2009 10:11


The person to mention that fact that I'm used to heat much more intense than this gets a stick in the face. I always had an air conditioned hotel room to fall back on in Africa; here I'm suffering with the rest of the population. As well as dreading next week, when the commute starts again, boo hiss.

It was not hot enough to deter my mother and me from shopping, of course. We hit the Harrods sale and came out with heels galore. GALORE, I tells you. A pair of leather strappy sandals with a flower on the side, and a turquoise satin pair with a diagonal tie with ribbon. Gorgeous beyond belief, and also sky-high. One of these days I will promise to stop buying impossible heels and I will actually mean it.

Also some needed make-up and a lovely coral nail lacquer. WHAT? I am doing my bit for the economy. *sniff*

This is all because it's too hot to write, you know. I've been carting around a stack of prompts with me wherever I go on the off-chance that I'll be inspired, but so far there has been nary a sniff of a drabble, let alone full-blown fic. Given that I usually try to use at least part of my holidays to write, this is unacceptable, I tells you. I can't decide if I'm just unmotivated or if I'm blocked. (Maybe it's the same thing?)

So tell me, flist, how do YOU get over writer's block and start scribbling again?

pretty things, shopping, writer's block

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