Recs: George Kirk

May 21, 2009 15:33

Quite a few people have been raving over George Kirk (helloooo friends?skip=10million!), so I thought a small recs post in order. These are all TOS; has any George Kirk reboot fic been written yet?

- Final Frontier by Diane Carey: George Kirk joins Captain April on the maiden voyage of the Enterprise. I like this pro-novel a lot, it has fun bits, adventure bits, some great cameos, and really fleshed out George Kirk for me.
- Best Destiny by Diane Carey: another pro-novel with prominent George Kirk. Young Jimmy Kirk wants nothing to do with Starfleet, and resents being dragged out in the middle of nowhere by his 'fleeter dad.
- Kirk Ordered Another Beer by Syl: First-line challenge answer. James T Kirk isn't the only Kirk in ST canon.

And, also, a 'what if' in honour of the reboot:

What If? by Syl: The Klingons decide to go back in time and kill Kirk's parents when he is a child.

star trek, fic rec

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