
Apr 16, 2009 19:43

I got a little slip of paper today that invited me to sign on the dotted line and have my contract become permanent. *does dance of BIG FUCKING JOY*

Does this make me ridiculously, stupidly, helplessly happy? HELL YEAH. I was gonna try for nonchalance but given the current economic climate (a phrase that seems to precede every. single. fucking. opinion I issue), I am ready to celebrate being employed by spending some of my hard-earned cash on helping the economy recover. Through the purchase of shoes. And sex toys.


Because there was a big 'yay', there has to be a little 'boo'. My wisdom teeth have attempted to emerge from their corral once again. Previously kept at bay by a small amount of space made available through root canal (yes, it was in the middle of my finals, why do you ask?), they have staged a rebellion and are attempting to emerge. Slight issue: there is no room. None. Prior X-rays showed that they are too close to several rather crucial nerves, and so surgical removal is also not so hot an option. I have a dentist's appointment on Monday to see if the situation has changed at all in the last few years.


Meanwhile, I ate my weight in food that is either sugary, fatty or otherwise bad for me. This has to stop, seriously. I tried to be good at work today - had cereal for breakfast, hard-boiled egg for lunch, soy yoghurt for a snack. This was somewhat ruined by the fact that I apparently looked pale enough for a ghost, or for someone nursing wisdom tooth pain. My colleagues were lovely, and responded by getting me: chocolate, pastries, and an orange balloon. (The balloon was lovely, and non-fattening.) I also made wounded faces and rubbed my head a lot (not consciously, you understand, but I do have Work!Mummy and Work!Daddy hovering like concerned Work!Parents), and was sent home like a sleepy child to have a nap. I apparently aimed for 'professional', but hit 'endearing' instead.

For the moment, permanent contract in hand... it'll do.

squee, health, work

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