There's something wrong with me

Apr 07, 2009 22:36

I think over-exposure to the Watchmen fandom has broken my brain. There I am, happily gorging on the good and the bad, and my subconscious comes up with this gem. "I don't understand Edward Blake. But I could. If he had a little more background, other than 'psychopath'. Hell, anyone could be reduced to 'psychopath'. Rorschach, for instance. Also, Adrian Veidt. And not just in the Watchmen canon, either. I mean, Batman. Or Punisher. Or Jack Bristow. He's even got the father-daughter issues. And -


I wonder what he would have done if someone had dangled Laurie over a pit back before '77?"

Yeah. While everyone else is happily gorging on the pr0n, my brain decides that it wants PG-rated father/daughter action adventure (with an extra helping of angst). Srsly, this is why I'm not allowed to write any more. Or why I should be writing Alias instead. Gen Alias. With Sydney dangling over a pit and Jack riding to the rescue.


In non-crazy news, one more day at work and then I have Easter break, woo! I'm really looking forward to it. monanotlisa is visiting, and we are doing tea. Mmmm, tea. With champagne, naturally. Also, Good Friday is Judy Dench Day, with Madame de Sade in the evening, woot!

days out, watchmen

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